Tuesday, December 17, 2013

True Confessions of a Medifast Cheater

December has to be the most challenging month for staying OP with Medifast. Everywhere I turn, cookies and other fattening foods are calling out like temptresses, "You know you want to taste me ... a little bite won't hurt."

Yes, I cheated. And I don't regret it!
For the most part, I have been able to resist their wily ways, but yesterday was an exception. I was invited to two holiday events: lunch at a steak house for work and a dinner party in the evening.

For lunch, I said no to the baked potato and warm bread and butter, something I would never have done pre-Medifast. I enjoyed my tender and savory steak, green salad with minimal dressing, and a small helping of ranch beans. I could have foregone dessert, but when the waitress brought out a tray of warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, I ate part of one.

So, although I technically cheated, I ate far less than what I would have eaten had I not been following Medifast.

Now for dinner. My book group of 25 years, which contains some Ina Garten-worthy cooks, conjured up their annual holiday spread. This year I was fortunate that many chose veggies as the base of their dishes. I loaded up on those, skipped the dishes that were overly carby (such as the lasagne), and sampled a couple of the desserts. And, maybe, I had a glass of red wine. Or two. But overall, not too bad.

I am actually fine with having strayed since my cheats were not too horrendous and in every case, worth it. I am on Medifast for the long haul, and one day does not a body make or ruin. Aside from the delicious food, I feasted on the many compliments about my weight loss, and at the end of the day my pants still fit.

If you're interested in learning more about how you can lose weight safely and more rapidly with the Medifast 5&1 plan, please visit my
Take Shape for Life website.

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