Friday, January 23, 2015

Why Cauliflower Is the 'Chicken' of Vegetables

Some vegetables become popular for being super foods. Others, because they taste good.

There are literally  hundreds of great cauliflower pizza crust
recipes, but I like how this blog post analyzed the
different ingredients and cooking methods.
The humble cauliflower, alas, does not fall into either camp.

Unlike kale, cauliflower never appears on Super Food Top 10 lists, and many people find its flavor, um -- how should I put this -- mildly repulsive? Not to mention its off white color and body odor off putting aroma.

No, the main reason for cauliflower's soaring popularity is neither its nutritional profile nor piquant flavor. Simply put, cauliflower is the vegetable version of that most versatile of chameleon meats -- chicken.

What's more, cauliflower is beloved by low carbers because it is a low glycemic vegetable and has lots of healthy vitamins and stuff phytochemicals. Which explains why clever cooks have been so busy morphing this white cabbagey ball into everything from mashed fauxtatoes and fried "rice" to cheesy "bread" sticks and pizza crust to creamy soups, steak and, yes, even cake! (Not to worry carrots; it's not the kind of cake you'd serve a birthday girl.)

"We’re always looking for vegetables that give you that meaty umami flavor, and
we find that cauliflower really feels like a protein,” says chef Harold Dieterle
at Kin Shop, who prepares his cauliflower steak and Siamese green curry course
with Szechuan peppercorn tempura, kabocha squash and turnips.
(Excerpted from Daily News)
One of my resolutions this year is to prepare one new cauliflower recipe each week month and share the results on this blog. It won't be hard finding candidates since there are literally whole Pinterest boards and blog posts filled with great recipes and mouth watering photos.
Like tee shirts and Easter eggs, cauliflower
comes in many different colors these days!

Meanwhile, though I love Mark Twain, I have to disagree with his quote, "Cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education."

Try making a pizza crust with cabbage, Marco!

Find more great cauliflower recipes on my low carb Pinterest board.

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Follow Nancy's board Low Carb Recipes on Pinterest.

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