Monday, October 14, 2013

Is Medifast a Scam?

After losing almost 10 pounds in two weeks, it amazes me how many people online call Medifast a scam. The last time I looked, the word scam meant "fraudulent scheme" or "swindle." Sure Medifast is expensive, but that's partly why the program is so effective. If I didn't pay a lot for the food, I'd be more likely to go Off Plan (OP). (Click here for all Medifast lingo and acronyms.)

Is Medifast a scam?
Another reason people call Medifast a scam is that many MFers regain their weight after losing it -- and then some. But that problem is not unique to Medifast. If there were one diet that was so perfect no one ever regained their weight afterward, the person who created it would be a zillionaire.

The reason people regain their weight is they do not follow the Medifast lifetime maintenance strategy, just as people who lose weight with Weight Watchers and other commercial diet programs regain their weight if they go hog wild after shedding their pounds. The Medifast program is called Take Shape for Life (TSFL) because it requires a lifetime commitment. It is not an amusement park ride from which you exit and walk away once you lose the weight.

Once you get off the Medifast diet, you cannot
just walk away and resume your former eating habits.
One of the ways Medifast helps people make the program a lifetime commitment is by offering free coaches with whom you stay in regular contact.

Virtually all of these coaches are "losers" who love to share their knowledge and experience with others while making a little money on the side. Though some people again use the "S" word to describe the TSFL coaching program -- likening it to Amway and other multi-level marketing schemes -- the upfront monetary commitment is minimal. Not only would people not be TSFL coaches if it did not make financial sense to them, the mere act of being a coach is likely a huge motivator for them to maintain their own weight.

Subscribe to Diet Skeptic Does Medifast by Email

You can purchase Medifast replacement meals directly from Medifast Centers, the Medifast website or -- for no extra cost -- through the co-branded website of a Medifast TSFL health coach. Medifast does not recommend purchasing its products from third party vendors, but if you choose to do so, you can find them on both Amazon and eBay.

Medifast replacement meals on Amazon

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Groovy Movies

Fit Kitty


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Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Favorite Medifast Hacks

I'm starting Week 3 today and still going strong. This has to be the easiest and most rewarding diet I have ever tried. Aside from always feeling full and not craving disallowed foods, the online support for Medifast is amazing.

Oh, and did I mention I've lost 8 pounds!

My first Medifast shipment arrived with a month's worth of food and the Medifast Quick Start Guide, but that turned out to be just the beginning. Being creative with Medifast has become a popular game. People all over the web share their hacks on the Medifast forums, Facebook groups and other websites. When I become stuck, I simply search for a solution.

For instance, no matter how hard I tried I could not make my chocolate chip soft bakes look or taste  like anything similar to the photo on the package. I belong to a Facebook Medifast buy/sell/trade group and asked for some tips. Turns out some people turn these into shakes or muffins. My favorite idea, though, was freezing the dough instead of baking it. In 30 minutes I had a delicious frozen treat that was a cross between candy and ice cream. Tonight I plan to try another suggestion, baking a mixture of the brownie and chocolate chip cookie soft bakes and dividing it up into two meals.

I found the chili too bland for my taste so I took some people's advice and added cumin, garlic powder and a smidge of salt. The mac cheese, meanwhile, is okay as is. But it's almost decadent with a low fat Laughing Cow melted in.

Then there's my free Medifast Take Shape for Life (TSFL) coach, who calls me on the phone once a week. She lost over 100 pounds six years ago and knows all the ins and outs of the program. Even though I don't really need a lot of support at this point, she has an answer to any question I throw at her -- from how to consume enough water (drink 8 oz. before/after/with each meal and a couple of extra 8 oz. glasses between meals) to how to make the chili beans softer (soak for at least a half hour before cooking). Her once a week phone call also makes me accountable to someone without having to join a weight loss center.

So far, my two favorite non-Medifast websites have been SlimKicker, which has its own Medifast group with oodles of tips and recipes, and 3 fat chicks on a diet, which also has a hack-packed Medifast forum.

I've also done Google searches for "Medifast Trader Joe's" and picked up some great ideas for easy Lean & Green meal ideas using that store's specialty items. TJ's Chicken Curry was heavenly over a mixture of collard greens and chopped broccoli. I didn't even miss the rice. Ditto for their Chicken Asada.

I will be adding more Medifast hacks as I happen on them. In the meantime, what are some of the tricks that make Medifast work better for you?

Update Oct. 14, 2013

Thanks for the RT, Medifast!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My first Medifast NSV

Without diving into the how-often-should-you-weigh-yourself-on-a-diet debate, it is important to acknowledge that shedding pounds can be measured by more than just numbers on a scale. Achievements like fitting comfortably into a once too-snug pair of jeans or getting a smiley face from your doctor on your lab results are just as -- if not more -- important.  Though I'm going to wait another couple of weeks to do a lipid panel, I had my first "I can wear these jeans again!" moment yesterday, and it felt amazing. In Medifast, this is called an NSV, or non-scale victory.

One of the most disheartening parts of gaining weight for me has been outgrowing clothes I'd worn just the year before. Not being able to wear a size medium any more made feel, well... large. The next step would be so-called Woman's sizes, a euphemism for you-can't-wear-normal-sized-clothes-any-more. In fact, I accidentally stepped into a plus-sized shop recently and the owner failed to tell me I didn't belong there.
Mrs. Medifast makes the rules now

Still, what was I to do? For years I have been telling people diets don't work. All you have to do is eat smaller portions of better quality food and get regular exercise. Except that wasn't working for me. I made too many exception, permitting myself to indulge too often in home, work and social environments laden with temptations.

"Where have you been?"
It turned out I needed a tough prison matron -- a stern figure who would tell me how much I could eat and when. Passing up the free ice cream sundaes at work on Friday was a true test of how well this works for me. If I made an exception, my weight loss could stall for several days because of the biochemistry of how Medifast works. The risk far outweighed the reward.

With the help of my new-found will power, my next clothing NSV is to fit into all the mediums in my closet that have been patiently waiting for me to wear them again. At the rate I've been losing, that should not be too long.

If you're interested in learning more about how you can lose weight safely and more rapidly with the Medifast 5&1 plan, please visit my Take Shape for Life website.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

I Lost Five Pounds My First Week on Medifast

Sorry about the gap between days three and seven. Though my aim is to post about my Medifast journey every day, I have given myself permission not to post if I 'm really busy.

Which brings me to some really good news: It's been a hectic week, but I managed to stay OP without any problems. The pre-Medifast me would have used the two biggest events -- a promotion at work and an out-of-town meeting -- to add lots of fun celebratory food to my plate. Any good news or change in routine has historically been an excuse for me go into party mode, which basically gives me carte blanche to consume high-calorie foods and rich restaurant meals.

But since I am following a strict diet and know that any cheating can make the measuring line on my scale move up instead of down, I had no trouble restraining myself. Sure it's been only a week, which means I still have the novelty factor bolstering my resolve. But it proves I can handle situations outside of my daily routine if I choose to.

Here's how I did it.

Job Promotion: Instead of indulging in lobster tail dipped in melted butter or chicken Parmesan, I feasted on congratulatory phone calls
lobster dipped in melted butter
Here's how I didn't celebrate my job promotion.
and cuddled up with my husband to watch "The Voice" on TV. I also treated myself to a new ebook for my Kindle, expanding my mind instead of my body.

Off-site Meeting: I skipped the bagel and shmear and fruit salad I habitually treat myself to at this standing meeting, opting for a hazelnut and vanilla no-calorie hot coffee instead. During a break, I mixed a Dutch chocolate Medifast shake using the portable BlenderBottle® I received with my first shipment, and on the ride home I stopped off for a delicious salad from Chipotle, which included grilled chicken, lettuce, a smattering of black and pinto beans, avocado and salsa. When I stopped off at work to catch up on a few emails, I saw there was an ice cream social happening in the break room, but I didn't feel the least bit tempted to partake.
Doing the happy dance

In sum, this week flew by so fast I didn't dwell on my "diet" or feel deprived. Having clearly defined rules helped me say "no" to temptations in which I would normally indulge.

Best of all, this morning when I stepped on the scale I was five pounds lighter!

If you're interested in learning more about how you can lose weight safely and more rapidly with the Medifast 5&1 plan, please visit my Take Shape for Life website.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Medifast Lingo

I'm still enjoying this so-called diet... love that I never feel deprived or hungry. It's like my appetite thermostat was turned to low. I have to remind myself to eat, like all my skinny friends who "forget" to eat lunch!

Aside from its non-tortuous aspect, Medifast also has a great community of people who share their tips and success stories. The company hosts a forum on its official website that Medifast people use to communicate.
Sample lean & green meal
and many participants publish their own blogs on and off the site. I will review some of these blogs in a future post, but today I want to explore the secret language. Some of the vocab is common to other diets as well.

Medifast Dictionary for Newbs

BeSlim Lifestyle: An acronym for Breakfast every day, Exercise, Support, Low-fat meals 5-6 times a day, Individual plan, Monitoring 

Lean and green: A non-Medifast meal consisting of lean protein and vegetables.

5&1: Five Medifast replacement meals and one lean and green meal.

Four Medifast replacement meals and two lean and green meals.

Medifaster, i.e., someone who uses the Medifast plan to lose weight. Not to be confused with more common definition.

Non-scale victory. Any win that has nothing to do with the numbers on the scale. For instance, someone may write about fitting into a pair of jeans they hadn't been able to squeeze into for a while or getting compliments from friends and family on how good they look.

On plan or on program. A more politically correct way to say "not cheating."

Quick start guide. Basically, the instruction manual for doing Medifast. Tells you what your L&G meal should include, how much to exercise, etc.

An acronym for Take Shape for Life, a proprietary Medifast program that promotes healthy habits and the BeSlim lifestyle. A cornerstone of this program is free coaching available from Medifast approved TSFL coaches.

I'll add more Medifastisms to the dictionary as I come across them so be sure to check back.

You can purchase Medifast replacement meals directly from Medifast Centers, the Medifast website or -- for no extra cost -- through the co-branded website of a Medifast TSFL health coach. Medifast does not recommend purchasing its products from third party vendors, but if you choose to do so, you can find them on both Amazon and eBay.

Medifast replacement meals on Amazon

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Medifast Vs. Lean Cuisine Diet

Visit my other blogs:


Fit Kitty

Food Trends 


Dictionary Woman

Best Parenting Tips Ever

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