Just the idea of cake makes people happy and willing to pretend they're friends with a jerk at work just to score some free birthday cake.
It's Phil's birthday.
I hate that guy.
There's cake in the conference room.
Maybe I should just go say "hello."
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You can see Jim Gaffigan's cake routine on You Tube |
And while they might brag about having four margaritas while partying the night before, they would never boast they had four slices of cake. Partying with alcohol is cool (at least in some circles). Pigging out is never cool, something better kept secret.
Within each layer of cake lies frosting and shame.
Which is too bad. Because there is a place for cake at the table to celebrate a birthday or wedding or even the end of the soccer season. If you're on a diet, you can always have a sliver, which I am certain has zero calories.
Of course, if cake is a trigger food for you or you're on a ketogenic diet like Medifast, you're better off smuggling in some kind of substitute snack and munching on that while everyone else scarfs down their socially acceptable serving of sugar and white flour.
Maybe in a hundred years people will celebrate special events with a bowl of fruit or cauldron of minestrone, but I doubt it. Cake is fun and festive and reminds us of being carefree children -- when calories were something only the moms talked about, typically in wistful tones.
You should not make too much of cake or give it too much power. It is a community food not meant to be eaten daily or in massive amounts.
Most importantly, if you decide to have a piece of cake, by all means enjoy it! Eat it consciously and intentionally without shame or regret.
Then pop a piece of sugar-free gum in your mouth so you won't be tempted to go back for seconds or thirds.
You can purchase Medifast replacement meals directly from Medifast Centers, the Medifast website or -- for less cost -- through the co-branded website of a Medifast TSFL health coach. Medifast does not recommend purchasing its products from third party vendors, but if you choose to do so, you can find them on both Amazon and eBay.
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